Letter from Sandy Overholt

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Michele Monro
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Letter from Sandy Overholt

Post by Michele Monro » Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:49 am

Dearest Michele,

I can't tell you how much I appreciate the wonderful book and tribute to
your father that I just finished reading. He was and remains one of my
favorite singers.

I was the odd one, going to high school in the 60s in California and
loving Matt Monro. Not that I didn't love rock n' roll, too, because I
did. I love music, period and your father typified the best of music, in
my book.

I remember hearing in the spring of 1985 of your father's death while I
was looking for his music at an outdoor swap meet. I was stunned and
broken-hearted. It really didn't seem that long since I'd seen him on
the Merv Griffin show and he looked good.

Thank God, now I feel as though I REALLY know him because of your book.
It's nice to have confirmed what I always felt....that Matt Monro was
not just a great singer but a genuinely nice guy. That's as good as it
gets in my book. (My father died in 2001 and it always makes me happy
when someone tells me that he was a great person.)

Bless you for keeping your father's memory and work alive. You must be a
chip off the old block. ;-)

Sincerely and with love and gratitude,
Sandy Overholt

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Re: Letter from Sandy Overholt

Post by karl » Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:50 am

It's always good to hear someone praise either one of your parents Michele, I also had two of the best!

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