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Wednesday 7 December - Siren 107.3 FM - Alex Lewczuk

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:09 pm
by Michele Monro
I have been talking to Alex Lewczuk on Siren 107.3FM for over a year now and amazingly the station asked me to stay on for the near future which is brilliant. The show runs from 5.00-7.00pm and I have been popping up at about 5.55pm, just after the news. Please note this is NOT a repeat of any other broadcasts I have done with Alex for Southside Broadcasting.

This is a regular 5.55pm feature on ‘The Midweek Drive’ each Wednesday featuring a Matt Monro track with an introduction by myself. The shows are streamed as well as going out on 107.3fm in Lincoln and have their own podcasts.