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Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:10 pm
by mariana44
Amazon is the best place to order on-line. It seems strange that HMV cannot order it in toi their stores.

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:25 pm
by karl
I think HMV can't order things as they are in trouble and perhaps not paying their accounts - the same thing happened to a local shop near my offrice years ago that we frequented, all of a sudden he never had what we wanted and it was because he wasn't paying his bills.

Order it online Christine, oh and Eamon I think you should buy two copies, give the other to your dad as you may never see it again!

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:41 pm
by Eman
Karl, thanks, funny thing is, all I have to do is go into his stereo cabinet and see a whole section of it full of the Matt cds.

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:39 pm
by LindyG
Don Cooper wrote:
(I'm convinced you are in the High Fidelity Record Store after that description of the punters saying
"WHO" ? Set Jack Black on 'em next time!) :P

Hi Don,
Sadly, we get the same response all over America when we say the name "Matt Monro" or play him. It's the most ignorant country on the planet regarding Matt. Makes me wanna :cry: (..especially because he shoulda / woulda / coulda been a SuperStar here).

THANK YOU to Eman and to Graham in that record store for educatin' the tone-deaf and unworldly!
I do it too...have introduced some 20-year-olds to Matt's music with resounding success.

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:43 pm
by LindyG
Eman wrote:Well I went to the record store today and picked up the Matt cd. :lol: As soon as my car had pulled into the garage and I came in the house, not before my Mum told me to shake the sand out of my shoes and things as I went to the beach earlier, my Dad took the bag in my hand with my purchases and pulled out a couple of "City Boy" and some other cds and lps that I had bought and was pretty grumpy until he found Matt!! LOL.. Boy I never seen anyone move so fast taking off the shrink wrap and making a bee line for his stereo. He says Matt should be played properly on a good system that was around during Matt's heyday and turned on the stereo. Wow, all I can say is the cd and liner notes are awesome. Great job to Michele and Richard. I can't say what songs are my favourites yet, but I guess I'll have to find some time to give it a proper listen when my Dad isn't listening to it. :lol: :lol: Oh yes and my Mum loves it also.

Funny thing when I was in the store Graham the manager was playing his copy and told me, he better get a listen in now before his Dad takes the cd and it disappears. Some folks in the store thought it was Sinatra, so Graham and I said, nope, this is better, it's Matt Monro, only to get a big WHO? Some people thought it was cool and had Graham order them copies along with some best ofs. Hmmm sounds like a good thing that people are turning on to Matt's great music!!
Great account, Eman, THANKS! Most amusing. Very glad to hear about your parents' joy. :D
Please give my regards to Graham, I thank him for educatin' his customers and playing Matt's beautiful music. :D
Now I'm regretting that I left San Diego, I'd be hanging out at that record store too!

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:42 pm
by Don Cooper
Eman wrote:Hi Don, Yes, I believe they are either from Manchester or Birmingham and they were popular in the 70's. One of the members well the lead singer is Lol Mason and the guitar player is Mike Slammer. They are they band that had a massive hit here in the US with 5705? I hope it's the same band you are thinking of.
They were from Brum.On the way to school,mid-seventies,a Prefect sported a badge of their first album cover with *City Boy* clearly visible. As the ground of Birmingham City Football Club - Best in the World. (insert objections here: :P )- was just down from our school,I assumed it referred to his being a fan of The Blues-BCFC.

Later Hap-Ki-Do Kid was a minor hit,lyrics to which were far more witty than " Karl " :wink: Douglas's Kung Fu Fighting. 5-7-0-5 then hit paydirt...

I forgot all about them until some years back, The Radio Times/Radio 4 announced the winner of a Radio Play Competition to be Lol Mason.Could it be? It was!

Then,trawling the racks in our much-missed and sole branch of Birmingham Tower Records,I purchased 2 on 1 CD's of the band's first four albums.Recently added the 5/6th and long-lost 7th via Amazon.Have duplicated them on vinyl too-reasonable prices.If you are familiar with Young Men Gone West's Bob Carlos Clarke cover, you will know why the full-size version is far superior 8) (( The storefronts in background were real locations in some cases...))

And before I am lynched for taking-over the thread with nonsense,you probably said Manchester because City Boy sounded *very* 10cc .And *very* Queen too. That's me done. :roll:

Hi,Lindy.Your appearance on the forum is a breath of fresh air. Infectious Enthusiasm must be your middle names! :) You'll have those Stateside doubters converted in no time.

Best from Brum


Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:40 am
by LindyG
Hi Everyone,

First, Don, I appreciated your post just before this one. Thanks for sharing.

I've just received Matt Uncovered and I am going to savor every bit of experience out of this.
So my first review is only of the outer layer and just a peek at the notes, more reviewing will come later.

LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE the photo of handsome serious Matt (as I do all of his photos at every age) on the cover. Great choice, Michele! This is perfect packaging, befitting such a classy man/artist.

Same appreciation of the elegant white and black disc labels.

Next I will begin to savor all of Michele's words about the many aspects of creation that went into this sumptuous treasure trove which I have already begun to relish, having only had it an hour. I already peeked at the first two pages. True to form, Michele's sharing/ writing is delicious.

I hope everyone on the forum has also received their copy (or copies) now.

I dare not play any of this tonight, I am sure I won't be able to sleep if I start (and 3:45 am comes really fast!). I think I'll read all the notes twice through, and then start to play Disc 1 on Friday night with absolutely no distractions/chores.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh booyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:11 am
by Sandra
Will Matt Jnr be giving us his review of his Dads latest CD :?:

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:20 am
by Lena & Harry Smith
Well, after thinking that the "Rare Monro" was the absolute ultimate, and was resolved to the fact that this would be the last album for our Matt Monro collection, through painstakingly searching archives, and patiently remastering newly discovered treasures, thanks to Michele and Richard The Rarer Monro arrived and we can only begin to describe how thrilled we are with the contents.
On The First disk, what sheer pleasure to be able to hear Matt singing some of those unforgettable songs from that irreplaceable Golden era, that included special favourites and sentimental ballads such as "Everything I Have Is Yours", "Amor Amor Amor", " I'll Be Around" ..and thankfully saved and recorded the Three fabulous renditions of "In Time" "What Makes The Sunset " and The Clouds Will Soon Roll By, but on this Disk One.. "It Cant Be Wrong" stands out as being very special to us.
The songs associated with Sinatra "You Make Me Feel So Young" "I've Got The World On A String" "I've Got You Under My Skin" are sung in Matt's perfect inimitable style, but his rendition of " Your Sensational " is in a class of his own !!!
We enjoyed the more upbeat numbers .. I've got My Eyes On You" "Your Getting To Be A Habit With Me" "Easier Said Than Done," but the beautiful "A Few Tender Words "... which was tagged on to the end of a Terry Scott session completes a really splendid disk. :) :)

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:39 am
by Lena & Harry Smith
Disk Two is every bit as lovely to listen to as the first disk, Matt's unmatchable rich smooth velvety tones and pure diction simply makes him Master Of His Craft.
More unearthed, superb numbers, " Let's Find An Island," and tender ballads "The World I used to know" and Time To Go are all such a joy to listen to and we are so happy to have more of the popular classics.
We have in the past discussed Matt's marvellous recording of Maria in depth on the forum, and now on this album we have his version in Spanish. This must surely be one of the best tracks on the album, just listen to that final unmistakeable note that is breathtaking.
Although when tracks are laid down and recorded they are assumed as perfect but we have always appreciated shows when the artists sing medleys, and this one that includes Matt's introductions are a perfect inclusion and they have a great backing band, with "You Came Along From Out Of Nowhere" " I Apologise" ...with Matt's unusual reverse lines.. If I Made You Cry, If I Told A Lie :) "The Folks Who Live On The Hill" "You'll Never Know" another song that holds special memories for us. "What Is this Thing Called Love" "Day By Day" "Younger Than Springtime "
The commercials ....and Matt made many, bring back memories and we can imagine the fun Matt Had with Kenny Everett :D :D
This double album is a treasure for our collection, so thank you again Michele and Richard for all your time and effort spent on releasing this gem. :) :)

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:51 am
by karl
Great review L&H.

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:14 am
by Sandra
Beautifully put Lena and Harry :D

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:59 pm
by Christine Hampshire
I have now been able to order it at another HMV at Meadowhall in Sheffield, hope I don't have to wait too long can't wait to hear it and hearing what you are all saying about it, I just can't wait.


Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:48 pm
by mariana44
Well done Christine for persevering--all I can say is that you will love it.

Re: The Rarer Monro reviews

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:19 pm
by karl
Why don't you order online Christine? You'll have it in no time. Shame on HMV for not stocking it anyway!