ROBERT M. wrote:Yes Greg.........I did say previously that the ONLY good thing about the film was Matt

Yes, yes, I'm rahthah late to this topic. Robert and all, when I saw Satan's Harvest (and thought Matt was of course the only good actor in the movie, adored him with the monkeys....Montgomery was indescribable, indeed), I saw it in a Montgomery set of 4 movies, each as bad as the other, but one really had me LAUGHING pretty hard at its BIZARRENESS!
Did anyone else see this masterpiece:
"Guerillas in Pink Lace (1964): As the Japanese advance on Manila early in WWII, Brass Murphy, trying to escape, is given a military pass by a kindly priest. In cleric's disguise [featuring more sunglasses, of course], Murphy finds himself the "chaperone" of a group of five showgirls. The plane in which they escape is shot down, and they find themselves on an enemy-held, small island. From that point on, their adventure becomes both harrowing and hilarious." [Note: the term "Japanese" is used very loosely in this description. Vinnie from Brooklyn, is more like it!]
I honestly couldn't tell if Montgomery meant this to be a gripping action drama or a comedy or a romance, it was like he threw everything into it that he could to see what he could do best. A film-making theory class would have a field day with this one.