Saying goodbye to Australia

Michele kicks off her mammoth trip on 9th January 2012. Read her roving reports from the High Seas to her journey Down Under. Keeping you up-to-date with all the news as it happens.
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Michele Monro
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Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by Michele Monro » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:35 am

I have to say it seems ages since I put my thoughts to paper but it has been a real problem getting Internet connections. My last few days in Australia were certainly eventful and with a saddened heart I said goodbye to Diane and Graham. I had a wonderful time hanging out with the family and it was a real buzz seeing Gary and his family and Jon and Tanya who’d flown in from New York to spend Easter. I left as planned for Adelaide but then the fun started. I checked into my Virgin flight and waited for my wheelchair to arrive to take me to the gate. One of the Virgin employees took it upon themselves to question me about my hand luggage. They insisted it was too heavy even though I showed her and later her supervisor that the contents were predominantly my medicines and travel papers, as well as my laptop. They wouldn’t have it although I said that when I got to the aircraft I would split the items into three so that the weight would be distributed in the overhead lockers. That wasn’t good enough and demanded that I put the items into the hold at a cost of $180 dollars for being overweight. I take 31 pills a day and they are heavy narcotics and normally I can only get them on a month-to -month basis. The trouble I had to go through to get a six-month supply in advance was tedious and I had so many certified documents to prove that I was legally able to carry them that I couldn’t entertain the thought that they would go missing en-route to the hold. I would say that each pill is probably worth ten pounds each on the black market so there was no way they would have still been in my case when I touched down in Adelaide. The same thing applied to my travel papers; if any of them had gone missing I wouldn’t have been able to complete my journey. The amount of paperwork is staggering with tickets for the ship, authorization papers for credit card payment, flights to Las Vegas, LA and London and hotel confirmations. I wouldn’t even have been able to check in on-line without the reference numbers. I also had more than 20 documents for the tours I had booked in San Francisco and Vegas and so the list goes on. I would never put my laptop in the hold as this happened once before and by the time I got to the other end of my journey the laptop had got damaged and the insurance wouldn’t pay out, citing the fact that all valuables have to be taken in hand luggage. The end result was that I missed the flight as Virgin had a member of staff take my suitcase off the plane. I have to say that considering I walk with a stick, have wheelchairs ordered and carry my disability papers, Virgin couldn’t have been more unhelpful if they’d tried. I for one will never travel with them again and I will make sure that anyone I know is aware of the treatment I received and persuade them to take another carrier. The trouble was that I didn’t just miss the plane but also the Ghan train which is considered one of the great train journeys of the world. I only had a small window of opportunity of getting to Adelaide Airport and getting to the station in time for check-in. There was no way to claim my money back as I had no proof that I had been taken off the plane and as well as losing my money for the railway I also lost my money for the Crown Plaza in Alice Springs.

Having spent a couple of hours outside the airport trying to gather my thoughts and smoking myself silly, I decided there would be no benefit in going back to Melbourne. I was also aware that Ross Hood from Care Radio was sitting in Adelaide waiting for me. We’d made arrangements that I’d be picked up at the airport in Adelaide, go to his house for a snack and then he’d make sure I was taken to the train station in time. I know he was really looking forward to my visit and I was beside myself with how disappointed he would be. I of course tried to make contact but my phone credit decided to run out at this point. I can just imagine the panic when Ross' friend, who was sitting at the airport, suddenly realized I wasn’t on the plane!!! I must have looked like a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown because one of the porters on his break told me to use his phone and I was at last able to explain what had happened. I decided that I would catch a flight with Quantas, which was leaving within the hour and go anyway rather than fly directly to Ayres Rock, it seemed the fairest thing to do. Quantas were brilliant and charged me an extra $20.00 and with little fuss I was finally airborne.

I had a wonderful afternoon with Ross and his friends who looked after me royally. I must have signed a dozen books, which I think he’d bought for everyone he knew and before leaving he presented me with a gorgeous framed picture of me and the book to hang in my office. He said it was a belated birthday present but I think he’d organized it weeks beforehand and would have given it to me anyway. When I get a chance I will post a picture on my Facebook page. I stayed at Rydges Hotel for the night and at 7.00am the next morning was back at Adelaide Airport for my flight to Alice Springs. That would at least connect me with my pre-arranged flight to Ayres Rock. Unfortunately there wasn’t a direct flight so I had no choice. On getting to the airport I suddenly had a meltdown. My flight on leaving Ayres Rock to Sydney was also with Virgin and I had visions of the same thing happening to me there. The trouble was that there were no other flights to be had and I would have been stuck in the outback with no options at all. I also realised that my day of travel to Sydney was Friday the 13th and if I missed the ship, I would be well and truly stuck up a stream without a paddle. That was enough to tip me over the edge. and instead of checking in to my onward flight (which had cost me a fortune) I asked if they could swap it to a flight to Sydney instead. Ninety minutes later I had landed and was in a taxi heading for Rydges in Sydney. My thoughts were that at least I was in the same city as the ship was coming into on Sunday. I check in and stayed in bed for three days!!! The nightmare wasn’t over though. My luggage had crept up to 8 cases and the courier had failed to pick them up from my aunt’s in Melbourne. It was Easter and in a complete panic I rang my cousin Andy and asked for help. Bless his heart f he didn’t tell me to forget about it and that he would make sure the luggage arrived in Sydney before the weekend. True to his word he arranged a 24-hour service and unfortunately for him because he’d asked for an urgent delivery they were knocking on his door at 1,30am.

Andy was just recovering from eye surgery and although I’d planned to stay with him Friday and Saturday, I felt that was the last thing he needed. I’ve had enough operations to know that all you want to do is sleep and chill out so the compromise was that I would visit for a few hours. It was great catching up, not just with him but also my luggage, which was cluttering his hallway. The time went so quickly and I really hope this isn’t the last time we see each other but I really don’t see myself making this journey again. Feeling slightly better I organized a trip to the Blue Mountains on the Saturday. What a wonderful day and the weather was wonderful making for clear vistas across the mountains – and they really were blue. The tour also included a trip to one of the animal sanctuaries, which saw kangaroos by the dozens hopping around openly. It was a great photographic opportunity as were the one with koalas. It really bolstered my mood and was the perfect thing with which to end my stay.

I’d had a business meeting with one of the partners of Goalpost Films and they are definitely interested I making the book into a movie. They have come up with a great idea, which hasn’t been tried before so we will see how that pans out over the coming months. I don’t want to get over-excited and then the bubble is burst. Anyway NAME arranged to pick me up on Sunday morning and take me to The Rocks Market. It was a beautiful day, the warmest yet and we spent several hours wandering the eclectic stalls. Unfortunately the car was parked opposite the Ugg creative shop and I couldn’t resist the opportunity of adding a couple more styles to my collection. It was really naughty but I figured that as I had Australian dollars left, I might as well spend them. We ate lunch at Circular Quay, with views over both the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was a stunning outlook and I almost had to pinch myself to make sure it wasn’t a dream. I didn’t have to check in for the ship until late afternoon and Daniel thought I should at least see Bondi Beach before I left. It was only a 15-minute drive and I have to say I thought it was a lovely offer. The time sped by and while munching my way through 6 flavours of ice cream we drove back to the city. Daniel offered to drive me to the ship as otherwise I would have needed two taxis to load the amount of luggage I had and at 3.30pm the Sea Princess came into view. With promises to keep in touch, I waved goodbye to Daniel and was checked in and on the ship within 20 minutes so at least that part was painless.

Everyone I’d spoken to over the last few months had warned me that the crossing from Sydney to New Zealand was notoriously bad and if it hadn’t been for all the stress and upset over the last week I have to admit to being tempted to fly to New Zealand and embarking the ship there but at this point I just wanted to get to my cabin and know I was at least on my way to the States. So that was the end of that part of my adventure down under and I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I was sad not to have made Ayres Rock and all the wonderful tours I had pre-booked there but some things are not meant to be.

So I’ll see you all on the flip-flop, sorry it’s been a while but at least I feel I have been able to touch base with you all once again. Thanks for all the wonderful birthday messages; it’s nice to be remembered.

Be safe, be good and may your God go with you.

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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by mariana44 » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:41 pm

That souns a hairraising episode. Shame on Virgin--hope you can get something sorted out with them when you get back.

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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by karl » Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:31 pm

Michele it's a shame you didn't have anyone with you to raise hell with Virgin, however do it when you get home - why should you lose out? Shocking way to treat a passenger, surely your hand luggage could go in the overhead and also under the seat. When you see the size of some people's luggage they carry on I don't know how the hell they get away with it?

I flew internally with Virgin Blue on my trip but had no problems.

Ifi you had no problem with the other airline to Sydney then surely that adds strength to your case, did they allow you to carry everything onboard you wanted to?
Last edited by karl on Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by Eman » Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:37 pm

OMG Michele! That's just horrible! I would raise a stinking SH*% fit when you get back! Those were meds for crying out loud. Karl is right if you seen the hand carry luggage of some, you think they brought their normal suitcase!!

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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by Marian » Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:37 pm

An unfortunate goodbye to Australia Michele. Terrible treatment from Virgin.

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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by Lena & Harry Smith » Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:35 pm

Yes, definitely put in a complaint Michele. What a way to treat a paying passenger, particularly disabled and with a stick. Employees sometimes get carried away and like to feel important.
Anyway just look forward to the next part of your trip.

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Christine Hampshire
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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by Christine Hampshire » Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:45 pm

Yes you want to put in a complaint when you get back, what terrible treatment. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip look after yourself.

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Re: Saying goodbye to Australia

Post by maureen & harry » Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:12 pm

The latest updates made fantastic reading. It was a shame that you received such dreadful treatment from Virgin and you would be absolutely justified in making a complaint to the highest level.

The part about the book possibly being made into a film was exciting news. We hope that this will become a reality in the not too distant future.

:D :D

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